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Funky French League radio show #22

Funky French League radio show #22.
Asko sera de la partie pour un mix de rareté ! Disco Rap !

Diffusions sur : samedi 14 mars à 21h et mardi 17 mars à 23h.

Funky French League #20 est toujours disponible en écoute sur Soundcloud :

The Adventures of grandmaster flash on the wheels of steel/the party mix (sugar hill records) 1981
Sugar Daddy : Another one bites the dust (one way records) 1980
The Jazzy ladies :Blowin your mind (Emi) 1983
New edition : Gimme your love (street wise London) 1983
T-Ski-valley : Never let go (grand groove) 1982
Outlaw Four : million dollar legs (Dynamite pep records) 1980
Just four : jam to remember (grand groove) 1982
One on one : gotta thang (Kee Wee) 1984
Superior movement : Wide shot ( CIM) 1982
South Bronx : The bottom line 2 (Rissa Chrissa)
The chapter III : Real rocking Groove (Grand groove) 1982
Sizzle ; keep on tryin’(Sutra) 1984
Kerr : Back at ya (reyhound Record Productions)1984
Freez : We got the Jazz (Virgin) 1983
Jeff Lorber : step by step (Arista) 1985
Intrigue : Fly girl (world trade records) 1984
Tululah Moon if you want love (Beauty and the beat) 1985
First love : party lights (CIM) 1982

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